I don't know about you but I love oysters!
Especially since they have lots of health benefits.
The only concern is that it makes a lot of waste after eating them...
You also don't know what to do with oyster shells?
Fortunately, my grandfather revealed to me a brilliant trick to recycle them easily and usefully in the chicken coop.
The trick is to pulverize them to feed them to your chickens. Watch:
- oyster shells
- hammer
- gloves
1. Take some oyster shells.
2. Put on the gloves because the shells are sharp.
3. Tap the shells with a hammer to reduce them to the finest powder possible.
4. Put the eggshell powder in the chicken feed tray.
And There you go ! Now you know how to reuse oyster shells in the chicken coop :-)
Easy, fast and economical, right?
I can assure you that the chickens will jump on it because they love it!
Indeed, oyster shells contain plenty of calcium which helps to strengthen the hens.
Thanks to this calcium, they will lay good big eggs for you. with a well nourishing yolk.
In addition, the shell of their eggs will be much stronger than usual.
You don't eat oysters? Simply go and ask your fishmonger for shells.
I'm sure he'll be happy to give you some for free!
In addition, oyster shell powder keeps very well. So, do not hesitate to grind a good quantity and keep some in an airtight jar.