Do you like strawberries? Me too, I love !
Especially when they are sweet, ripe and juicy.
What I like less is coming across flavorless and pasty strawberries...
So how can you tell the difference between good and bad strawberries?
Don't worry, it's quick and easy!
Here are 9 grandma's tips for choosing delicious strawberries every time and so enjoy yourself. Watch:
If there is white around the stem or in the center of the strawberry, it means that it was not picked at its maximum maturity.
Also leave pale strawberries or green strawberries... If they are this color, it means that they were picked before they were ripe.
Obviously, in this case, you will be disappointed by the taste!
On the other hand, do not be fooled by a strawberry that sports a dark red color. Tell yourself that it's not very natural...
In nature, nothing is perfect! And this is also the case here for the shape of the strawberries.
A package with strawberries that are all the same size and shape means they were probably packaged...
They will then be less sweet. It is best to choose a bundle with strawberries of different shapes.
In the same way, the size is not necessarily a revealing element.
Small strawberries are often juicier and tastier than large ones.
If the big strawberries attract the eye, they are sometimes full of water! Yes, that way they look bigger.
But note that this is not always the case. There are so many different varieties! In reality, it's the color that is more important than the size.
On the other hand, check that the strawberries are not damaged.
Trust your nose to determine if strawberries are good or not.
If they don't smell like much, you can easily tell they were grown with chemicals.
And their taste may not be exceptional...
Instead, prefer strawberries that smell like strawberries.
The leaves of strawberries are also a good indicator of their quality. First, it is better if the strawberry has leaves.
Otherwise, you're pretty sure your strawberries won't last very long after you buy them.
Likewise, the leaves must be fresh:do not buy them if their leaves seem dry or yellow.
They've probably been on the shelf for quite some time.
On the other hand, if the strawberry leaves are slightly raised and leave a small space between the corolla and the fruit, it's a good sign!
They will certainly be very sweet.
Seeds are the little dots you see on the fruit.
If these small seeds are spaced and well embedded in the flesh of the fruit, you can indulge yourself.
It will be tasty and very sweet.
If the strawberries come from afar, it means they have traveled.
As a result, they may have suffered!
In addition, this implies that they must be picked before they are ripe.
Either way, the more locally grown they are, the tastier they will be.
So try to avoid strawberries from Spain for example...
The strawberries that we buy in winter are generally imported. Or they are very hardy varieties. Either way, they don't taste good.
Strawberry season runs from May to June. Now is the time to take advantage of it!
Strawberries are among the 10 fruits and vegetables most contaminated by pesticides.
This means that they contain high levels of pesticides, even after washing them.
Organic strawberries won't necessarily taste better than conventional ones (although I've often found that they do).
But at least you won't eat a ton of pesticides.
Look. The strawberries in these photos below are grown locally, organically. They are a beautiful bright red and contain no trace of white around the stem.
And when I opened them, they were as red inside as they were outside.
These I bought on the market. And that's my last piece of advice.
I find that strawberries from the market are always much tastier than strawberries bought in the supermarket in plastic trays.
There you go, now you know all of grandma's tricks for choosing the best strawberries :-)
Now you just have to prepare them well.
Do you know how to wash strawberries so as not to damage them? Here are two tips to keep your strawberries delicious.
You can also wash them with lemon to avoid damaging them and preserve their taste. Discover the trick.
Once your strawberries are well washed, you can easily remove the stem from the strawberries using a straw.
Now you can treat yourself and prepare delicious dishes, like this strawberry tartare with basil.