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10 essential cooking tips for every home chef

10 essential cooking tips for every home chef

Do you like to be the home chef, but can you still use some handy tips to get even more out of your cooking? Then you definitely want to try these 10 essential cooking tips!

Read also :'9 ways to get the most out of your fresh products with cooking'

1. Mise en place

One of the most important tips is to use 'mise en place', which is French for putting everything in its place. What they really mean by it is displaying all the prepared ingredients and making sure that all the ingredients you need are within reach and ready to use. For example, do you make an omelette? Then make sure you have all the toppings, such as cheese, ham and peppers, already cut before you turn on the stove. This way you know for sure in advance that you have enough at home to prepare your dish and you don't have to leave the stove to prepare products while your rice is boiling over. It's a simple, but super effective method!

2. Dough cutters aren't just for baking

Did you know that you can use a dough cutter in more ways than just baking? In addition to helping you cut out pieces of dough or scrape sticky dough from your cutting board, you can also use it to slide cut products from your cutting board into the pan. Instead of using your sharp knife to gently slide your sliced ​​carrots off the shelf, you can also use the larger surface of the dough cutter to avoid spilling. Handy, right?

3. The sharper the blade, the better

An extremely sharp blade can be an intimidating tool to work with. However, the sharper the blade, the safer. Trying to cut with a dull blade requires more force and effort, which can quickly lead to a trip to the emergency room. Try to prevent accidents by sharpening your knives to prevent slipping during cutting and make it even easier to cut your products.

4. Keep cleaning in between

Of course you can clean the entire kitchen like a whirlwind after cooking, but of course you prefer to enjoy your delicious home-prepared meal. That's why it's smart to clean the kitchen in between operations. For example, put a large bowl on the counter while cooking to throw your waste into, so you only have to empty it when you're done. Put dirty dishes and cookware in the dishwasher when you no longer need them and wipe a cloth over the counter to create a clean cooking environment.

5. Arrange your fridge properly

By organizing your refrigerator properly and efficiently, you prevent products from spoiling faster and you get sick after eating the products. In large kitchens, the products are often sorted by their cooking temperature to prevent cross-contamination. Therefore, arrange your refrigerator at home as follows, from top to bottom:ready-to-eat products or already prepared food (pie, apples, cheese), raw seafood, fish or eggs, raw beef, raw pork, raw minced meat and raw chicken .

6. Marinate your food

You don't want to ruin your meals by giving them too little taste. Therefore, make sure to constantly taste your food between cooking. Place a container with test spoons that you can use to taste the food next to the stove and make sure to set the used spoons aside to avoid cross-contamination. Does your dish taste bland? Then use some salt to give it more taste. Avoid adding too much salt by adding small amounts of salt to your food slowly rather than all at once. Also make sure you spread the salt evenly over the food, that tastes the best!

7. Temperature affects taste

It may sound simple, but food that should be served hot probably also tastes better hot than when it's just eaten warm – or worse, cold. According to research, when the temperature of food is higher, a strong electrical signal is sent to your brain, which improves the taste. So try to avoid cold food, your taste buds will thank you for that.

8. Dry protein-rich products before baking them

Do you want to bake the perfectly cooked piece of chicken breast or steak? Make sure you pat the meat dry before placing it in the pan. Whether you're preparing a delicious steak or pan-cooked chicken, patting them dry before baking activates the Maillard reaction, also known as the browning reaction. Amino acids are rearranged and the sugars are reduced to ensure that the meat gets that delicious grilled taste. Just dab!

9. Be patient

Patience is an essential part of cooking a successful meal. As tempting as it may be, don't touch your meat while you're cooking it. Moving it before it has a chance to trigger the Maillard reaction will prevent the meat from searing properly. When the meat is cooked, it will pull up out of the pan on its own. Also avoid cutting meat to check if it is cooked, rather use a meat thermometer to check this. And, finally, do not open the oven door while baking, as this will lower the temperature inside the oven. The oven light and the window in the door are there for a reason!

10. Use the first in, first out method

Try to avoid food waste by using the first-in, first-out (FIFO) method. This means that you use up the oldest products first, before you start working with the fresher products. How do you ensure that you continue to use this technique? Organize your (refrigerator) cabinet in such a way that you put the older products in the front. This way you make it easier for yourself to use them first and you prevent them from piling up forgotten in the back of your fridge until you have to throw them away.