Are your pink radishes all soggy?
So what to do with those limp, wilted radishes?
Don't throw them in the trash! They are still edible.
I show you here how to quickly restore their crunchiness.
It's really easy and the result is amazing. The radishes are fresh as the first day.
Here is how to firm radishes with white vinegar . Watch:
- 5 tablespoons of white vinegar
- 1 liter of cold water
- salad bowl
1. Fill the bowl with cold water.
2. Add the white vinegar.
3. Immerse the radishes in the vinegar water.
4. Leave them at least an hour in this invigorating bath.
5. Take them out and drain them.
And There you go ! Your soft radishes have now regained all their crunchiness :-)
Easy, fast and efficient, right?
You can now enjoy them in a salted croque or with a little butter.
You'll see, they're crunchy.
No more soggy radishes!
No more mess too!
You give a second life to slightly withered radishes.
And you will have no problem presenting them to your guests.
You can dip only the roots of the radish, or just the leaves.
The trick gives the same results as the full bath.
This technique also works for salad, endives or mushrooms.
Avoid keeping them at room temperature, they will not keep very long and will soften.
Prefer the fridge and remove the leaves to keep them for at least 5 days.
The ideal is to cut the leaves and immerse the radishes in a bowl of cold water and put everything in the fridge.
With this, crunchy radishes guaranteed for more than a week.
Cold water will refresh the radishes and give them a boost.
This plumps up the flesh of the radish which regains all its crunch