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What To Do With Ratatouille? My tip for not throwing it away.

What To Do With Ratatouille? My tip for not throwing it away.

Cooking new dishes with leftover ratatouille saves you having to throw it away.

Here's a first tip to make a meal out of it, and if you're nice you might have a spare recipe;-).

A real ratatouille is super good but eating it several days in a row, lunch and dinner, it sickens us.

So what to do with the leftovers? We're not going to throw them away anyway!

Well it's very simple, we put them aside 1 day or 2 (don't worry, it holds up well in the fridge). And as soon as the desire for good cooked vegetables comes back, we pre-cook puff pastry, cover it with ratatouille and possibly slices of goat cheese.

All that remains is to bake for 40 minutes at 220 C° and presto, you have a superb vegetable pie to be enjoyed with a few lettuce leaves, for a light meal.

Another tip, if your stomach doesn't want ratatouille anymore, turn it into soup then freeze it. For the soup recipe it's simple, you mix the ratatouille. If the soup seems too thick, add a little vegetable broth. Then all that remains is to put the soup in the freezer, in tupperware to keep it for several months.


It's a shame to throw away ratatouille if you have too much, especially when the dish is homemade. Especially since it's not complicated to transform your dish besides, it just takes a little imagination.

You see, here we managed to transform it into a pie and a soup, that's a good 8€ saved. At least we don't have the impression of eating the same thing and in the 2nd case, we can keep the preparation to warm up in winter for example.

It is by being inventive and trying to avoid waste that you save money. Do you have any other ideas for ratatouille dishes? Don't be shy, share your recipes in the comments.