Dreaming to know the milkmaid's secret? With our trick you will have nothing to envy him.
For yogurt lovers of all kinds, there has been an electric yogurt maker for a long time.
The principle is simple:milk, lactic ferment (you can buy it in supermarkets), powdered milk and whatever you want to flavor.
You can let your creativity run wild to vary the flavors:cotton candy, violet, chestnut cream yogurts are yours.
You have no other limit than your imagination!
A "homemade" yogurt in an electric yogurt maker costs approximately €0.15 each compared to an average of €0.43 each in the shops.
You will therefore almost divide your yogurt budget by 3, rather tempting, isn't it?
Plus, you know exactly what's in it and can avoid all the preservatives that are so controversial these days.
For example, you can use organic products which are much healthier, while saving money compared to commercial prices.