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My tip for preparing homemade baby food that my baby loves.

My tip for preparing homemade baby food that my baby loves.

Rather than go for the baby potties, I adopted a very simple trick when I prepare a small dish for my little one. Discover my trick to avoid having to buy small jars in the supermarket.

You're not a fan of baby jars but you don't want to spend hours every evening behind the stove either? Welcome to the club ! To solve this dilemma, I opted for the freezing method. And Baby is delighted!

When I prepare his vegetable purée, I voluntarily triple the usual proportions. This means that my recipe, which is intended for two meals, makes it possible to prepare six.

Once baby is served, I divide the remaining 4 portions into ice cube trays. I put them in the freezer and wait for the ice cream to set. Then I take them out, turn out each little cube of mashed potatoes and put them in freezer bags.

When I want to serve Baby more puree, I just have to take out the desired number of cubes and thaw them. This trick allows me to dose the desired quantities and never run out of meals for my little one!

Have you ever frozen baby food? React in comments!

Savings Achieved

The prices of prepared meals are already high for adults, but downright prohibitive when you enter the world of baby.

And yet let the one of us who has never turned to this easy solution throw the first stone at me!

With this trick, you no longer need to hesitate between economy and speed of preparation. Because the smallest pot of vegetables being sold for 1 euro, no need to look far for the amount of savings made!