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How to Avoid Breaking the Cold Chain of Food Products?

How to Avoid Breaking the Cold Chain of Food Products?

As a consumer, our actions interact with the future quality of products purchased and the possible development of harmful bacteria. Salmonella, listeria, it is possible to escape it!

Proper organization of your trolley and refrigerator is an essential key to guaranteeing the cold chain!

1. An order of rays to respect

Going to the supermarket has become a real slalom for me! To guarantee the cold chain and take the most critical foods last, I can no longer follow the shelves as the supermarket offers me. I have organized myself a course to best preserve the quality of my food.

1. I usually start with the non-food items on my list:toothpaste, dishes, toilet paper and magazines.

2. Then I go to get cans, bottles and small groceries such as biscuits.

3. Then I go to the frozen section. And of course, I thought to take my cool bag!

4. I finish my journey with fruits &vegetables and fresh products:charcuterie, fish, dairy products, prepared starters (for those who buy them).

Thus the products most dependent on the cold chain are preserved to the maximum.

2. A refrigerator to be optimized

A dirty fridge is more likely to harbor harmful germs. I then clean it once every 15 days. I also remember to put the products in the right place in my fridge.

I remove all over-packaging to avoid germs (most often cardboard boxes). To limit contamination, I do not store any food in its plastic bag in the fridge.

For hot dishes, I try to put them in the fridge as soon as possible. But be careful, it is better that the hot dish is cold before storing it. Complicated this story! To do the best:I let them cool in the coolest place in the house or on the window if the weather allows it before any storage.

To avoid the development of germs:use different utensils to handle foods of different categories. If you use one spoon to toss your mash, use another spoon to add oil to your salad.

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Savings achieved

Learning how to avoid breaking the cold chain as much as possible also helps to save money on a daily basis. Indeed, it avoids wasting products whose smell puts us off enough to throw them as is in the trash.

Ensuring their conservation as well as possible means, above all, making our food purchases profitable during our shopping and being certain that everything that has been purchased will be eaten.