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Blue, Rare, Medium:The Guide to Never Miss Cooking a Steak Again.

Blue, Rare, Medium:The Guide to Never Miss Cooking a Steak Again.

When it comes to cooking meat, everyone has their preference!

Some prefer it blue or rare, and others rather medium or well done...

So how do you cook a steak every time?

To never miss cooking a steak again, here is the easy and practical guide.

It indicates at what temperature to cook the steak and for how long.

You will finally be able to cook your steak to restaurant-like perfection . Watch:

Blue, Rare, Medium:The Guide to Never Miss Cooking a Steak Again.

Click here to easily print this guide in PDF.


Note: for cooking between 200 and 250°C. The cooking time given is for a steak about 2.5 cm thick.


Core temperature: 50°C

Color: very red and barely warm in the middle

Cooking time: 6 minutes on one side, 3 to 4 minutes on the other


Core temperature: 55°C

Color: red in the middle

Cooking time: 6 minutes on one side, 4 to 5 minutes on the other

On point

Core temperature: 60°C

Color: dew in the middle

Cooking time: 7 minutes on one side, 5 to 6 minutes on the other


Core temperature: 65°C

Color: slightly dew in the middle

Cooking time: 8 minutes on one side, 6 to 7 minutes on the other

Well done

Core temperature: 70°C

Color: brown in the middle

Cooking time: 9 minutes on one side, 7 to 8 minutes on the other

5 tips for successful steaks

Blue, Rare, Medium:The Guide to Never Miss Cooking a Steak Again.

Here are 5 chef's tips for cooking a perfectly perfect steak:

1. Remember to take your meat out of the refrigerator about an hour before, so that it is at room temperature. Indeed, too great a difference in temperature during cooking contracts the muscle fibers and hardens the meat.

2. Only turn the steak once or the meat will dry out. Use tongs to handle it, not a fork. With a fork, you will pierce the meat and it will lose its juice.

3. After cooking, let the steak rest for a few minutes on a warm plate covered with aluminum foil. This allows the heat and juices to distribute evenly and the fibers to relax. This is THE secret to making your steak as tender as you want it to be! Click here to discover the 11 chef's tips for tenderizing meat.

4. The cooking times given above are indicative, as it depends on the thickness of your steak.

5. The best way to determine how done your steak is with a kitchen thermometer, like this one.

Your turn...

Have you tried this guide to successful steak cooking? Let us know in the comments if it worked. We can't wait to read you!