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4 Light Alternatives To Replace Butter On Toast In The Morning.

4 Light Alternatives To Replace Butter On Toast In The Morning.

Are you wondering how to replace butter on your toast?

And above what!

I reveal here all the alternatives to butter that I tested for my breakfast.

Because, it must be admitted, butter is not the best friend of my line or my cholesterol level.

It's even downright the calorie bomb of my morning toast.

Luckily, my dietitian gave me some tips on how to substitute butter for my morning routine.

And I must say that I really like these ideas!

Here are 6 butter substitutes on toast. Watch:

4 Light Alternatives To Replace Butter On Toast In The Morning.

1. Fresh cheese

4 Light Alternatives To Replace Butter On Toast In The Morning.

In the morning, to avoid butter on my sandwiches, I love fresh cheese.

You know the type St Moret or Philadelphia which spreads well.

Not only does it taste good, but it also goes very well with a little jam.

Guess the other significant advantage?

It is much less caloric than butter:350 kcal against 700 kcal per 100g.

2. Ghee or clarified butter

4 Light Alternatives To Replace Butter On Toast In The Morning.

Ghee is butter from which the lactose and proteins have been removed by heating it.

I discovered this during a trip to the Middle East.

And I was amazed by its good taste. But above all by its much less fatty side.

It's ideal for people who watch their cholesterol , or who are on a weight-loss diet.

Where to find ghee?

You can find it in most organic stores or oriental grocery stores.

Or simply on the internet, here.

But you can especially do it yourself with this recipe.

3. Almond puree

4 Light Alternatives To Replace Butter On Toast In The Morning.

Almond puree is a good alternative to butter for toast.

Of course, the taste is more pronounced.

But the advantage is that there is no cholesterol or saturated fat.

And in addition, oilseed pasta is rich in fiber.

Don't like almonds?

Opt for hazelnut, pistachio or peanut paste.

My little indulgence:sesame paste. A real delight on warm toast.

4. Maple butter

4 Light Alternatives To Replace Butter On Toast In The Morning.

If you like maple syrup, you'll love maple butter.

I discovered this thanks to a Quebec friend.

The texture is melting and really similar to classic butter, but the taste is sweeter.

No fat, no lactose .

But in return, fiber, magnesium and potassium!

5. Mashed avocado

4 Light Alternatives To Replace Butter On Toast In The Morning.

When you have a ripe avocado, cut it in half and mash the flesh with a fork.

Then, spread this guacamole on your toast.

It's excellent on nut bread or wholemeal bread.

And it's especially good in the morning.


Already, because the avocado has a very sweet taste and for breakfast it is very pleasant.

But also, because it's super healthy :no fat, no bad sugars, and full of fiber and vitamins.

6. Vegetable margarine

4 Light Alternatives To Replace Butter On Toast In The Morning.

Margarine is a combination of solidified oil.

It is often recommended as a substitute for butter because it is less fatty.

But be careful to read the labels carefully, because some margarines are full of additives.

This makes the product much less healthy than expected.

But if the composition is correct, then it is one of the best alternatives to butter.

Your turn...

Have you tried these tips for replacing butter on toast? Tell us in the comments what you're replacing the butter with. We can't wait to read you!