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Safe barbecuing

Every summer, too many people get burns from the barbecue. It is important to take the right precautions and to know what to do if something goes wrong.

Only use firelighters to light the barbecue
Do not use methylated spirits to light the barbecue. This creates a gas cloud. A spark is enough to start a flash fire.

Take preventive safety measures
Put a fire blanket near the barbecue in case something goes wrong.

Make sure you know what to do if things go wrong
When someone unexpectedly catches fire, it is important to ensure that as little oxygen as possible gets to the fire. Have the person roll on the floor and use a fire blanket. Push the fire blanket down from the face so that you don't push the flames towards the face.

Treat burns properly
It is important to properly care for burns. First cool with lukewarm water, the rest comes later.

Also read:how do you care for burns? and tips to treat burns.

Do you know how to barbecue safely? Take the test.