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This makes barbecuing a pleasure in winter

Gone are the days when barbecues were kept in winter in more and more households. Barbecuing in the winter is a trend that has made many friends in recent years. To ensure that barbecuing in winter is also a culinary delight, you should take the following into account:

High quality grilled food

Use quality ingredients as it should be worth it. Local food is always an asset. There is also a regional vegetable range in winter:potatoes, onions, carrots, pumpkin or other seasonal vegetables can also be grilled on the barbecue.

Estimate the temperature correctly

Despite icy outside temperatures, "a lot of fire" does not help. The temperatures that reach the surface of the grilled food should not char the ingredients, but brown them (about 250 degrees Celsius). With the classic charcoal grill, the food cooks faster than with the gas or electric grill. But it can also dry out or burn more easily. When a light crust starts to form on the meat, you must be particularly careful and remove the food from the hot zone in good time.

Suitable types of meat

Some grills reach over 800 degrees Celsius. These can leave the meat almost raw inside, while the surface quickly reaches a crispy crust. Beef is particularly suitable for such grills. Poultry, pork, fish and game must always be reheated before consumption.

Cleaning and temperature

Do not place meat and fish on the grill until the grill has reached the optimum temperature. At the charcoal grill, the charcoal is already covered with a thin layer of ash. If the temperature is too high, the food will burn and if it is too low, it will dry out. It goes without saying that the grid is cleaned before grilling.

No grease in the embers

When grilling over open embers (charcoal grill) substances which are harmful to health are formed under certain circumstances (eg benzopyrene) (high heat, burning of grilled food). This can be avoided if as little fat as possible drips into the embers and less of this steam comes into contact with the surface of the food. In addition, the grilled food should not drip with marinade or oil and the distance between the grid and the embers should be as large as possible.

Aluminum when grilling

In the case of salty or sour dishes, aluminum containers may release aluminum on the contact surface with the food. When using them, season the grilled food at the end and not keep it in the bowls. Reusable stainless steel grill trays are also for sale.

Inappropriate grilling methods

Due to the risk of harmful substances being transferred to the meat, barbecuing using unsuitable tools such as beer cans or flower pots is not recommended (eg “beer grilled chicken” recipes). In the case of cans, the paints and varnishes burn and the resulting contaminants can go directly to the food.