Family Best Time >> Food

Recipe:Panna cotta con amore

The photo of this delicious panna cotta con amore makes your mouth water. Read on for the recipe.

Preparation time:10 minutes + 2 hours to set

Ingredients for 2 persons
– 250 ml cream
– 75 g granulated sugar
– 1 vanilla pod
– 4 tbsp amaretto
– 4 gelatine leaves
– 150 g fresh blueberries
– 6 cantuccini biscuits
– 40 g flaked almonds

Preparation method
1. Soak the gelatin sheets. Heat the cream over low heat and add the sugar, amaretto and stir with a whisk. Scrape the vanilla from the vanilla pod and add to the cream. Squeeze out the gelatine leaves and add them too. Stir well and then turn off the heat. Pour the cream mixture into two nice glasses and let it set for 2 hours in the fridge.

2. Crumble the cantuccini and toast the almonds. Keep a dozen blueberries aside and heat the rest in a pan. Mash them to create a red sauce.

3. Remove the glasses from the fridge and divide the cantuccini and almonds over them, then the warm blueberry sauce and garnish with a few more fresh blueberries.

Recipe and image:South &Pepper