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Make your own popsicles with Strawberry &Spirulina

A fresh popsicle looks beautiful and is easy to make yourself. Blend, pour, freeze and you're done.

Choose the ingredients you like. Blend them and pour them into an ice cream mold. Combine popsicles with another trend:seaweed. For example, in the book Vegetable from the Sea by Lisette Kreischer you will find a recipe for popsicles with spirulina and strawberries.


  • 350 ​​ml coconut milk
  • 1 banana, peeled and cut into pieces
  • 1 generous tsp spirulina
  • 50 ml rice syrup
  • 150 g strawberries, washed and de-crowned
  • a pinch of vanilla powder

Preparation method
Blend the coconut milk with banana, spirulina and rice syrup until smooth. Put this mixture in a bowl. Then blend the strawberries with the vanilla powder to a smooth red sauce. First divide the coconut/banana mixture over about 6 (silicone) ice cream molds. Then swirl the strawberry sauce through it. Freeze for at least 6 hours.

Enjoy your meal!

More information
The book Vegetable from the sea can be ordered for €24.99 at AKO. You will find more food trends in the May issue of Santé.

Photography:Lisette Kreischer | Styling:Roos Rutjes