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Butter or margarine:which is better

In this article about butter or margarine:which is better, I would like to use evidence to discuss the years of discussion about what is actually healthier. While we are thrown to death by advertising about margarine, butter is referred to as a fattener. Read on and discover the difference between butter and margarine:which is better.

What is butter?

Butter is a natural product, made from cream (direct product of milk). Butter can be made perfectly at home by whipping a cup of whipped cream for a long time. Drain the excess liquid, add salt and spices to taste and you have butter. As you can see there are no further additions. The butter in the store is made in almost the same way and is a completely natural product.

Butter is available with or without herbs (for example as herb butter), with or without salt. Which variant you choose depends on the application and your own wishes and preferences. The advantage of making it yourself is of course that you determine the taste yourself. Do you want more or less salt in it? Fresh herbs in butter also taste great. Butter contains vitamin A and vitamin D, indispensable for our immune system.

What is margarine?

Unlike butter, margarine is not a natural product. Margarine was invented in 1869 by a French chemist. Initially, margarine consisted of a mixture of beef fat and skimmed milk, later on all kinds of additives were added. The ingredients of margarine are:vegetable oils, sometimes combined with animal fats or fish oil. Water, whey and emulsifiers are added to this, just like salt, colors and flavors.

In addition, according to legal regulations, vitamin A and vitamin D must be added to margarine. Unlike butter, in which the vitamins occur naturally. This is not necessarily a bad thing, but it does indicate that margarine is not natural.

The production of margarine

Margarine has a gray and unattractive color and composition. It is only through a chemical process and the addition of chemical products that it becomes spreadable and acquires an attractive color. This chemical process is called hydrogenation. During hydrogenation, unsaturated fatty acids are converted into unhealthy trans fatty acids. Research shows a link between trans fatty acids and heart disease.

Butter or margarine:which is better

After reading this, you probably already understand that butter is better for your body. Unfortunately, many people still think that butter is bad for our body. The food industry plays a major role in this, especially because margarine is made from leftover products. Buyers are needed for those residual products. So a major media campaign is launched and everyone is convinced that butter is not healthy. The result:everyone is switching to margarine.

As if that weren't enough, margarines are marketed under the most fantastic slogans. And for those who are not 'healthy' enough, they can also opt for low-fat margarine and special diet low-fat margarine. The question:'Which is better:butter or margarine?' therefore seems easy and quick to answer. Do you want to enjoy yourself? Then choose butter!

Replacing margarine in recipes

One last little tip:during baking you can easily and quickly replace margarine. Margarine is really nothing but oil just in a different form. That is why it is best to replace margarine with vegetable oil. I prefer to use coconut oil for this, because of its many health benefits.