Family Best Time >> Food

Apple Recipes

  • Fresh salad of button mushrooms, green apple and walnuts, julienne of Serrano ham

  • Ingredients for 4/5 people:

  • 1 batavia ,
  • 1 escarole
  • 200 g button mushrooms
  • 2 green apple
  • 150g Serrano Ham
  • 150 g of tomato
  • 1/2 bunch of chervil
  • 100g chopped walnuts
  • salt, pepper
  • Lemon vinaigrette 120 g.

  • Prepare the salads, washed and drained well,
  • trim mushrooms, slice to order
  • cut the unpeeled green apples into 1cm dice
  • cut the tomatoes in half slices
  • Prepare the lemon vinaigrette
  • Line a circle of 15 with the upright half-tomatoes,
  • In a mixing bowl, mix the salads and vinaigrette, form a dome on the plate between the half-tomatoes
  • surround with sliced ​​mushrooms and unpeeled green apple,
  • sprinkle with julienne of ham
  • add finely chopped herbs
  • add a few chopped walnuts.
  • Cold soufflé of crushed Granny-Smith apple with caramel and hazelnuts

  • Ingredients for 4 people:

  • 7 Starking apples
  • 2 egg whites 2
  • 50g butter,
  • 150 + 50 g caster sugar
  • 150g chopped hazelnuts

  • Prepare a caramel (well coloured) sugar+water and line each charlotte mold with 10 cms. up to 2 cm from the top edge,
  • In a baking sheet, put the peeled and seeded* apples in quarters with a little butter and caster sugar, put in the oven, when the apples are tender, remove them to a work surface and coarsely crush them with a knife, let cool,
  • Beat the egg whites stiff and gently fold them into the apple mixture. fill the molds with the device up to 2 cm from the top edge
  • Bake in the oven (200°C) in a bain-marie. About 20 to 25 minutes.
  • Let cool and store in a cold place.
  • Unmold onto plates. drizzle with caramel, sprinkle with chopped hazelnuts and garnish with caramelized apple slices

* Starking or Granny Smith
Be careful to allow the molds to cool well before putting them in the cold, if you have any difficulty unmolding them, soak the base of the molds in very hot water for a few moments, this will facilitate the unmolding.You can make this recipe in a large charlotte mold or terrine and cut into slices.

  • Pair of Landais pudding with two apples

  • Ingredients for 4 people:

  • Landais pudding* 600g
  • Potato 6OOg
  • Butter 120g
  • Whole milk 10cl
  • Apple Golden 2
  • salt and pepper

  • Prepare the mashed potatoes with milk, butter, salt and pepper
  • Peel and cut the peeled and seeded apples into quarters, brown in butter and finish in the oven, crush them with a knife to obtain a coarse pulp,
  • Butter a flat dish, place a layer of mashed apple fruit, then a layer of black pudding (worth three slices) crushed with a fork
  • Finish with a layer of mashed potatoes, top with small strips of butter,
  • Place in a hot oven until the top is golden brown,
  • Serve very hot. accompanied by a green salad.

Variation:You can also remove the skin from the pudding and mash the flesh with a fork, then in a charlotte mold we mount a layer of mashed potatoes, a layer of sausage, a layer of apples and a layer of mashed potatoes. potatoes, butter and put in the oven when
we unmold in the center of the plate and surround with a bead of port sauce.

This recipe is valid with any other good country pudding, whether from Béarn or elsewhere.