Family Best Time >> Food

You save this by not eating meat for a week

You save this by not eating meat for a week

Today starts the week without meat. What exactly does a week without meat do for the environment?

The environment is increasingly being discussed. Recently we paid attention to using less single-use plastic. By using less plastic that is thrown away after use, you can make a positive contribution to the environment with a small action.

This week we support the Week Without Meat. Thousands of Dutch people participate and various supermarkets and restaurants support the actions. Meat substitutes are on offer and participating restaurants offer vegetarian menus.

Every little bit helps

It always sounds a bit like a clincher. But every little bit helps to make a positive contribution to the environment.

If you don't eat meat as an adult this week, you save:

130 liters of water

These liters would normally be needed for irrigation for animal feed production, livestock farming and the production of your daily portion of meat.

Driving 76 kilometers

These emissions had been necessary for the production of animal feed, livestock farming, the packaging and preparation of a week's worth of meat portions.

770 grams of animal meat

The average meat eater in the Netherlands consumes 110 grams of meat per day. A week without meat means that 770 grams less meat is consumed.

Are you participating in the Week Without Meat?

Check the website for more information. On we will share a vegetarian recipe every day.