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Eating ice cream for breakfast would make you smarter

What if we replaced the eternal breakfast spreads of jam with ice cream? This prospect, which seems more like a dream than a reality, is however not so far-fetched! And for good reason:a Japanese scientist discovered that eating ice cream during breakfast improves alertness and mental performance!

Greater mental abilities

To be able to tell us this good news, Yoshihiko Koga, professor at Kyorin University, located in Tokyo, conducted a series of clinical trials during which participants had to eat ice cream when they woke up, before being subjected to mental exercises on a computer. The latter showed faster reaction times and better information processing skills compared to a group that had not consumed this delicacy. Professor Koga wanted to know if these results were due to the temperature of the ice, so he repeated the same experiment with ice water. While participants displayed a degree of increased alertness and greater mental abilities, the levels were significantly lower than with ice cream!

Intrigued by these findings, British researchers have also looked into the question:for some, consuming ice cream would activate the pleasure zones of the brain and thus have positive consequences. For others, it is simply the presence of glucose, necessary for the functioning of the brain, which would improve our mental abilities. Until the scientists agree, we could have some ice cream again!