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Eating mushrooms for breakfast, the anti-nibbling tip

Autumn is the season for picking mushrooms in the forest or in the woods (remember that it is possible to find out if they are edible or not from your pharmacist). The food, rich in iron and vitamins, goes perfectly with meats and is the key element of broths and soups that comfort when temperatures drop. Perfect for lunches and dinners, therefore. Yes, but not only:it would be good to draw inspiration from our neighbors across the Channel and their "English breakfast", since a study strongly recommends including it in breakfast, especially if you is prone to snacking during the day. The research, conducted by American scientists and published in the journal Appetite , show that the mushroom has a satiating power even greater than that of meat. Professor Joanne Slavin, who teaches at the University of Minnesota, suggests that there are real nutritional and satiety benefits to "replacing [in some meals] portions of meat with mushrooms”.

High in protein, low in calories

To reach these conclusions, the team carried out experiments on 17 women and 15 men:for 10 days, they ate sliced ​​button mushrooms and ground beef daily to determine which food would fill them up the most. The two dishes were served in different portions, so as to have the same number of proteins, ie 226 grams for the mushrooms and 28 grams for the beef. Participants whose breakfast included mushrooms were much less hungry, felt fuller and snacked less the rest of the morning than those who ate meat. So certainly, the more generous quantity of mushrooms could explain this significant difference, but this theory is weakened by the fact that the researchers took great care to provide exactly the same portion of protein in both meals. The mushroom (and vegetables) are still a source of protein that can help you lose weight or maintain it, since the equivalent of three cups contains 7 grams of protein and 56 small calories. A medium-fat meat can contain double the calories for the same amount of protein. We know what we have to do… Mushrooms out of bed might not make everyone's mouth water, but paired with beans and a fried egg like the British do , we say why not!