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The life-changing tip for keeping salad fresh.

The life-changing tip for keeping salad fresh.

It's hard to keep a fresh and crunchy salad!

Fortunately, I reveal to you my easy and effective trick to keep a salad longer.

All you need is a simple clear plastic shower cap.

Not only does this grandma's thing keep the salad longer...

...but what's more, it's eco-friendly and zero waste!

Yes, unlike disposable cling film, here the cap is infinitely reusable.

Here is how to keep your green salad fresh for a whole week with a shower cap . Watch:

The life-changing tip for keeping salad fresh.

  • What you need
  • How to
  • Result
  • What about other foods?
  • Why does it work?

What you need

- shower cap

- large colander

How to

1. Wash your salad well with this technique.

2. Remove all the water from the salad with a spinner.

3. Put the dry salad in the colander.

4. Cover the colander with the shower cap.

5. Put the colander with the salad in it in the fridge.


The life-changing tip for keeping salad fresh.

And There you go ! Your green salad can now be kept fresh for a whole week without wilting :-)

Easy, fast and efficient, right?

No more salad mess and the savings are yours!

The salad remains impeccable for several days whether it is peeled or not. The leaves do not soften.

And it works for batavia, endives, frisée, lamb's lettuce or dandelions.

But also for the garden salad which is often very fragile.

If you buy salad in a bag, take the salad out of the bag, and keep it with this trick.

And for the other foods?

This trick also works for storing other foods.

The interesting thing is that the charlotte adapts to all forms of dishes.

You can therefore use this preservation technique to put on top of your gratin dishes, your mixed salads or to keep a cheese platter.

The life-changing tip for keeping salad fresh.

Why does it work?

The shower cap is a protection like cellophane...

...except that you can reuse it as many times as you want.

It is therefore practical, economical and recyclable.

Placed on the colander, it preserves food by isolating it from the air.

To keep it crunchy, you can also add a paper towel underneath the salad.

Obviously this trick works with all types of salad:lettuce, lamb's lettuce, batavia, oak leaf, arugula...