Want to keep your asparagus fresh longer?
If you bought a big boot, it's true that it can be very practical.
So here's a conservation tip that should come in handy.
You don't eat them right away?
No problem ! The best way to keep them is to put them in the water. Watch:
1. Cut the stems of the asparagus by 1 cm.
2. Put about 2 cm of water in the bottom of a jar.
3. Add the asparagus to the jar so that they have their feet soaking in the water.
There you go, your asparagus will keep much better this way :-)
Simple, practical and effective!
That way, you have all the time you need to prepare your recipe with asparagus.
And this thing works with white, purple or green asparagus.
With a vinaigrette, in a flan, with a salad... The asparagus are always as good.
It is an excellent seasonal vegetable. Yes, when spring arrives, you have to take advantage of it!