What a pleasure to use fresh herbs to flavor all dishes!
However, once picked, these herbs are very fragile.
Fortunately, there is a very simple trick to preserve them longer in a greedy way.
The trick is to freeze the fresh herbs in olive oil . Watch:
1. Chop finely your herbs after washing them.
2. Put a pinch of herbs in each compartment of the ice cube tray.
3. Cover with olive oil so as to fill 3/4 of the compartment, no more.
4. Put in the freezer for 12 hours min.
There you go, you can now keep your fresh herbs for a very long time :-)
Not only will you keep your herbs, preserving their taste, but the oil will also be deliciously scented :-)
Simple, practical and effective!
You can season all your small dishes easily:meat, pasta and of course salad and salad dressing.
What to make tasty bases of sauce, using just the necessary quantity.
To grow your aromatic plants yourself, read this tip without delay.