The withered leaves of a salad are seldom envious.
And most of the time they end up in the bottom of the trash...
Or rather, they were ending !
Because my darling brought back an infallible tip from the restaurant where she works to bring my withered salad back to life in 20 minutes!
Usually, I buy 2 or 3 salads at once, when I go shopping.
And I always tend to forget the last one in the bottom of the fridge...
Fortunately, thanks to this trick, I easily give it a second life. Watch:
1. Fill your salad spinner with cold water.
2. Add four or five ice cubes and a potato cut into slices.
3. Soak your salad in this mixture for about twenty minutes.
4. Then wring out your salad leaves as usual.
There you go, your salad has regained its crunchiness :-)
Easy, fast and efficient, right?
No more withered salad that ends up in the trash!
You got your withered lettuce back in no time.
A batavia costs between €0.85 and €1 each.
If you throw away half each time, the waste is enormous!
With this trick, I avoid throwing away the equivalent of three salads every month, which is about €3 in savings.
In total, over the whole year, I ended up saving nearly €36.
Not bad, right?