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Stop eating out of boredom:this is how you do it

Stop eating out of boredom:this is how you do it

You look in the fridge for the third time in a short time, or you eat an empty bag of chips on the couch without noticing. Does this look familiar? It could just be that you are eating, or looking for food, out of boredom.

You are certainly not the only one who eats without being really hungry. Do you want to stop this habit? These tips will help you on your way.

1. Know your habits

To stop eating out of boredom, you need to become aware that you are eating out of boredom. Next time you're standing in front of the fridge, ask yourself why you want to eat. If you're not hungry, you have no reason to raid the fridge.

Read also: 'First aid:it's evening and I want to snack'

2. Snacking behind the TV

Watching TV and eating go very well together. Have a healthy snack nearby, such as a bowl of fruit. If you really want to tackle your habits thoroughly, do exercises in front of the TV. Train your arms with weights or do abdominal exercises. That way you don't have time to snack and you're on the move.

3. Resist the temptation to get up

When you get up and walk to the (refrigerator) cabinet, there is a good chance that you will put something in your mouth again. A drop here, a handful of chips there. To prevent this, you can agree with yourself that you will only get something to eat in advertising.

4. Drink water

Hunger and thirst are easy to confuse. Instead of snacking, have a large glass of water.

5. Stop mindless eating

Of course you can snack, as long as you don't eat the whole bag without realizing it without really enjoying it. The trick is to snack consciously. Also read the tips for conscious eating>>