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3 avocado facts you don't know yet

3 avocado facts you don t know yet

Smooth, healthy, green, slim, does-it-good-in-dip and has now become a 'household name'. The avocado has become an indispensable part of most kitchens. You probably didn't know these funny facts!

You will find the tastiest recipes with avocado at Santé, but we are of course also not afraid to give you tips on how to store them. The avocado has gained enormous popularity in recent years and is still going strong !

Also read:'3 ways to make your food sweeter without sugar'


Need a ripe copy faster? Place it on the counter at home next to a banana or an apple. The ethylene in these fruits helps your avvekadoo ripen faster. Handy if you expect your guests for the Mexican theme evening in a few hours!


An avocado tree is an unwise sun lover. It needs at least 2000 hours of sunshine per year to be able to bear some nice fruit.


Okay, maybe you should save this one for another occasion than your Mexican themed night (or just share it, whatever you want…), avocado comes from the word ahuacatl † A word from the language of the Nahua, the original inhabitants of Mexico. Three guesses what the literal meaning of ahuacatl . is † testicle. Yes, really.