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3 trendy foods to adopt

Filter coffee

We told you in a previous article, John Sylvan, the inventor of capsule coffee machines, regrets the ecological impact of his work… Because in addition to being expensive, capsules are indeed nonsense for the environment. . Especially since they are breeding grounds for bacteria... In short, many good reasons that perhaps explain the comeback of manual filter coffee makers and coffee roasters:so 2016! As a result, we sell our capsule coffee machine on Le Bon Coin, and we go either:1 / to a machine that grinds coffee beans, 2 / to filter coffee, much more convivial to share because it does not gobble up in 2 seconds like an espresso (and we have fun shopping for designer coffee makers).


Cereal question, we are subscribed to wheat, rice or quinoa. But we almost never think of cooking millet, this ancestral cereal that is once again becoming trendy in the kitchen. And for good reason ! This small yellow grain is a concentrate of nutrients. It is particularly rich in B vitamins, manganese, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, iron and also silica. It is also a good source of magnesium.

It is found in all organic stores and is cooked like rice, especially in risotto. His particuliarity ? It does not contain gluten, and has a delicious nutty taste. For recipes, visit the website

> Read also:"Gluten-free cooking" for lazy people

Avocado oil

It is the oil that we neglect, and we are wrong. Avocado oil is good for the skin as well as for our salads. It is indeed full of monounsaturated fatty acids and vitamin E. The only imperative is to choose it organic, first cold pressing! And we avoid those that are light in color because they have been refined, we rather choose those that are the most colored dark green. For example, you can add it to your guacamole to give it even more flavor. And otherwise, in terms of beauty, it has healing properties, and helps reduce the appearance of stretch marks. We like:the skin absorbs it very quickly! The height of chic, make your own avocado oil!

> Read also:Is the avocado fat or not?