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Recipe Frappuccino pie

Recipe Frappuccino pie
Nowadays it seems that everyone eats only healthy. And we sometimes go a little overboard, although enjoyment is still number 1. And let's be honest, a party is just part of cake, no matter how healthy your lifestyle may be. Now that it's summer, you can certainly enjoy this delicious recipe for this Senseo Frappuccino cake.


• 350 ml whipped cream
• 100 grams sugar
• 125 ml Senseo coffee
• 1 teaspoon Douwe Egberts instant coffee
• 4 egg yolks

• 75 grams sugar
• 70 ml strong Senseo coffee
• 60 grams butter

• 65 grams of butter
• 60 grams of hazelnuts
• 100 grams of icing sugar
• 65 grams of flour
• 3 egg whites
• 1 tablespoon of apricot jam
• 1 tablespoon of hazelnut liqueur
(for example Frangelico)


• 250 ml whipped cream
• 50 grams sugar
• 1 bar of dark chocolate, grated

• Pie tin (2x)
• Pie ring (1x, smaller than the pie tin)
• Piping bag
• Grater
• Senseo Extra Strong


Recipe Frappuccino pie STEP 1
Start with the frappuccino parfait. Beat the whipping cream to yogurt thickness. Then whisk the instant coffee, Senseo coffee, sugar and egg yolks in a bain-marie (in a bowl, over a pan of warm water). After a minute or 2 the mixture will be a bit lighter, which means that the egg whites are cooked. Transfer the mixture to a standing mixer and beat until cold and fluffy. This can also be done with a hand mixer, but the mixture should no longer be warm before continuing.

Fold the whipped cream into the cooled coffee mixture. Line a cake tin with baking paper and place a smaller cake ring in it, so that the parfait is slightly smaller than the bottom of the cake. Pour the parfait mix into the ring and place in the freezer for 3 hours.

Now make the bottom:preheat the oven to 180 degrees. Melt the butter in a saucepan until it turns light brown in color. Keep the butter warm but make sure it doesn't burn. Grind the hazelnuts with the icing sugar and flour to a fine powder. Stir the egg whites with the apricot jam and the liqueur and mix with the hazelnut powder. Add the warm, light brown butter and mix well. Grease a pie pan, line the bottom with baking paper and pour in the batter. Bake the bottom in the oven for about 20 minutes until golden brown and cooked through.

Finish by making the coffee sauce:caramelize the sugar by melting it little by little in a heavy-bottomed frying pan. Stir and keep adding sugar slowly until everything is melted. Then add – carefully, it can splash – the strong Senseo coffee. Bring to the boil and stir until it is a mass. Remove the pan from the heat and stir in the butter. Let the coffee sauce cool down.

Recipe Frappuccino pie STEP 5
Remove the cooled hazelnut crust from the mold and place it on a cake board. Pour the parfait out of the cake ring by briefly rubbing the ring on the outside with your hands. Remove the baking paper and place the parfait on the hazelnut base.

For the topping, whip the cream with the sugar until stiff. Scoop into a piping bag with a serrated nozzle. Pipe rosettes of whipped cream on the parfait and divide the grated chocolate over it. Drizzle the coffee sauce over the cake and serve immediately.

Eat Tasty!