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5 mistakes not to make to taste wine well

It may be because we are French, but we must recognize that wine is still THE drink for which we pay attention:serve it in a wine glass (this is not always the case at the abroad!), respecting the right temperature, studying the labels, knowing the grape varieties, etc. And yet… We still often make some mistakes. The Vivino website, from the wine rating app of the same name, has listed the most common mistakes people make when tasting wine. And we have to admit that we make (or have already made) some of these mistakes... Don't blame us again!

Fill the glass to the brim

It's true:no matter the size of the wine glass, you usually never fill it more than halfway (especially if it's huge!). The reasons ? The glass is heavy, which makes drinking more difficult and you can't aerate it, smell it... in short, you enjoy it less!

Hold the glass by the bottom of the balloon

The pros will tell you:the glass must be held by its foot. By placing the glass on the palm of the hand, it heats up in contact with the heat of the skin... which heats the wine. Not terrible, is it? In the evening, observing who is holding their glass by the stem makes it possible to spot connoisseurs.

Always drink the same thing

Red, white, rosé or even blue… There are more than 6 million wines in the world (according to Vivino). It would be a shame to always drink the same thing, wouldn't it? Well, let's agree:if you love a wine, nothing prevents you from having fun and drinking it. But it's good to discover new horizons by testing other grape varieties, other regions... and, if possible, we avoid relying solely on the label and the price. It would be a shame to have bought THE wine that everyone is talking about and not to appreciate it.

Stick to classic wine-food pairings

Traditionally, red wine is paired with meat and white wine with fish. It's true, they usually go well together, but... who said this rule was absolute? Person ! Nothing prevents you from testing new agreements, and making good discoveries (and maybe also bad ones, okay…).

Drinking too fast

A mistake we all make... well yes, it's so good! But if you drink too quickly, you run the risk of not tasting and not recognizing the flavors. In the long run, the problem is that we don't really know what we like, or why. As a result, at a restaurant or with friends, we are unable to choose one wine over another. Too bad!