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7 mistakes we all make while cooking

We are curious if you have made at least one of these mistakes.

1. Do not let the pan heat up properly
After you have put the pan on the fire, it is better not to immediately start woking, baking or roasting. First let the pan get really hot and let the oil or butter get hot before you throw the ingredients into the pan.

2. Not reading the recipe properly in advance
Always read the recipe until the last step before you start. This way you immediately know which ingredients and kitchen tools you need and you can prepare by measuring, weighing or cutting ingredients where possible.

3. Using too many herbs
No fresh herbs in the house, then you use the dried version, right? No problem, were it not that some dried herbs have less flavor than the fresh variety (basil, for example) or vice versa:dried oregano has more flavor than fresh oregano. So always taste in between. When in doubt, use too little rather than too much. You can always flavor the dish even more on your plate.

4. Filling the pan too full
Maybe you made a wrong guess or you don't feel like doing extra dishes. Not all ingredients cook at the same rate in a pan that is too full. The solution:cook your food in two batches or use a larger or second pan.

5. Burning the simplest dish
Cooking sometimes resembles a game of chance. One time you put three complicated courses on the table and it tastes excellent. The next day let your peas burn.

6. Open the oven door in the meantime
The temperature in the oven drops quickly when you open the door and that affects what's in your oven. Especially if your baking needs to rise, you should leave the door closed while the oven is still running. Preferably also in all other cases.

7. The schedule is not correct The vegetables are already done, while the meat still needs 15 minutes in the oven. Your patience will be tested.

What 'mistake' have you made in the kitchen lately?