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Sweet potato:superfood or not?

Sweet potatoes are popular and are even regularly referred to as a superfood. Is it right to use the name superfoods for sweet potatoes and what are the biggest differences between the sweet variety and regular potatoes?

This article is a contribution of Anita van Also read her previous article:3 foods to avoid if you want to lose weight.

Potatoes and carbohydrates
For some people, the term superfood in combination with sweet potato comes as a surprise, because regular potatoes don't have a good name with everyone.
Why did the regular potato get such a bad name? That can be summed up in one word:carbohydrates. Potatoes are packed with carbohydrates that provide your body with energy. Because we eat carbohydrates with every meal in our Western diet, we get too much of them. As a result, your body will produce a lot of energy and if you do little exercise, that energy is simply stored as fat tissue. As a result, we are gaining weight.

Are carbohydrates good or bad? The carbohydrates in sweet potatoes are not unhealthy. These are long complex molecules that your body has to invest a lot of time and effort in to digest. That is why it is often said that these potatoes are a source of slow carbohydrates and they are not bad for you at all. They maintain your blood sugar level and give you a feeling of satiety for a long time. The regular potato contains more fast carbohydrates. These make the sugar level rise faster.

What makes sweet potatoes so special? Sweet potatoes are also a good source of antioxidants. These are small molecules that protect your body against all kinds of harmful substances. In sweet potatoes you will also find carotenoids (which your body makes vitamin A), vitamin C and vitamin E. In addition, sweet potatoes are also packed with so-called phytonutrients. These are healthy substances that you only find in plants. All these vitamins, minerals and important nutrients make sweet potatoes a real addition to your diet. So you could definitely call it a superfood. Especially if you want to lose weight.

Are regular potatoes that bad then?
The regular potato also contains a fair amount of minerals, vitamins and phytonutrients and is only slightly inferior to the sweet competitor. The biggest difference actually lies in the way we eat potatoes. Sweet potatoes are often simply boiled or put in the oven and are then part of, for example, a salad or healthy meal with vegetables. In contrast to the regular potatoes, where an unhealthy addition is often chosen. We love incorporating regular potatoes into processed and fried foods with minimal nutritional value. Or we use all kinds of sauces when we eat them. And that way it does not fit into a healthy diet.

Can you lose weight by eating potatoes?
If you want to lose weight, sweet potato is a better choice. Don't forget to add a lot of extra vegetables and remember, too much is never good, so also not from the sweet potato, superfood or not!

More tips about losing weight and healthy nutrition can be found on the Jasper Alblas website>>