Family Best Time >> Food

Shopping:how to plan so as not to waste?

Seven kilos of products still packaged per year and per inhabitants go to the trash every year. Meanwhile, more than three million French people benefit from food aid... What if we helped to reduce this waste? This is possible by planning ahead, buying less and more often. Explanation, while waiting to find our entire zero waste program (detailed and tested!) in the issue of Biba on newsstands February 4.

We make a list

Before going out, we inspect all his cupboards and his fridge to take stock. In particular, we look at the remaining quantities, we check the expiry dates, we list what is missing but also the recipes that we could make with the leftovers.

We also think about the menus by asking the right questions:who is staying at home this week and how many dinners out have we planned? We look at her schedule:will the week be super busy with no time to cook? We can thus plan things that are quick and easy to cook (frozen hashtags), and not fresh vegetables that will end up rotting because we will never have had time to cook them.

Before going shopping, we also make a list by category:fruits, vegetables, fish, drinks, fresh food, groceries:it allows you to be better organized in your head.

Read also:10 kitchen utensils that will make your life easier

Two pitfalls to avoid

– Shopping on an empty stomach, or else you end up buying everything and anything (you come home with fifty shades of chocolate).

– Give in to promotional offers, which encourage us to buy large quantities! Not sure indeed that we manage to eat everything before the expiry date! And then sometimes, the price per kilo is not necessarily so interesting, so we check this point systematically.

And if not, the brilliant app to download:Zéro-Gâchis, which, when we go shopping, lists around us the products to consume quickly and therefore on sale! Smart.