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5 reasons to drink smoothies

Much more nutritious and cheaper than an industrial juice, the smoothie is a bit of a healthy “do it yourself” drink. Some swear by it, to the point that many bars dedicated to smoothies have emerged... It must be said that the drink has many advantages!

1. Quick to do

Yes, we must not forget that to make a smoothie all you need is a little water, fruits and vegetables that we put in the blender and presto, voila! In one minute, our snack is ready and it must be said, it saves us a lot of time in the morning when we don't have time for lunch. You can even make large quantities at once and store the rest in the fridge!

2. Packed with vitamins and antioxidants

Smoothies have the advantage of preserving the fibers of fruits and vegetables, so no matter the recipe, we will always get our dose of vitamin A, vitamin C, antioxidants or even trace elements (potassium, magnesium) in a single drink... No doubt, it is a real ally for our health.

3. Easy to digest

As our mixer reduces all the ingredients to a liquid and homogeneous mixture, they are therefore very easily assimilated by our body. It gives a little respite to our digestive system, which is constantly working... As a result, we even give the children the benefit of eating their "vegetables" without flinching for once!

4. Infinitely declinable

There are so many possible and unimaginable smoothie recipes! From the most classic such as strawberry-banana or apple-kiwi to the most original beetroot-carrot-spinach... Just use your imagination, you can test different dosages, add almonds, hazelnuts, test the fruit + vegetable milk mixture … Be careful not to mix everything and anything, like radish-celery-parsley, it must not be great…

5. Simply good!

In addition to being very nutritious, low in calories and good for your health, smoothies provide hydration and a healthy treat. And then making smoothies is still quite fun. After several attempts and a few failures (well yes, inevitably…), we can come across a perfect but above all unique combination of flavors!

It will be understood, everything is good in the smoothie!