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11 reasons to go vegan

Like most women, you're probably trying your best to lead a healthy lifestyle. You may be trying to get regular exercise, exercise, and eat healthy. But you still eat eggs, meat and cheese, because that's just the way you always have. You've probably heard a few arguments from people opting for a vegan or plant-based diet. There are different reasons for different people to get motivated and make some changes. Whether you're already on your way to a plant-based vegan diet or just thinking about it, here are 11 reasons to think about it.

1. It's easy Cooking can be difficult for many people, especially after a long day at work. That becomes even more difficult when you cook with meat. You have to decide if you want chicken, fish, beef or pork. You should also choose a cooking style (baking, grilling, etc.). As if that wasn't enough, make sure your meat is cooked properly so you don't get sick. By going vegan, you no longer have to. You can make simple meals based on proteins like beans or grains, and add some green vegetables, and some healthy fats like an olive oil or avocado dressing. And, dinner is ready.

2. It's healthy When you go vegan you automatically eat so much more veggies, but you'll also want to build your meals around veggies because it's filling. When you swap meat for healthy protein/carbohydrate combinations like quinoa or millet, you get all those nutrients and you get enough vitamins and minerals from all those vegetables you learn to appreciate.

3. It makes sense
If you want to be as healthy as possible, then you know that stuffing your body with real, pure food is the way to go. Of course, that means replacing the gluten-filled toast for a protein-rich green smoothie for breakfast, your sandwich for a huge salad for lunch, and making some yummy dinners. Eating healthy, pure foods makes sense because you are literally eating something with an ingredient list. For example, it is a sweet potato and nothing else. There are no weird chemicals or fillers.

4. It can help you lose weight
Vegans are the only group of people who have a normal and healthy BMI average – the more animal products people eat, the higher their BMI. There are a number of reasons for this! First, the fact that animal products contain no carbohydrates and instead contain fat. Dietary fat has more calories and is much more easily converted to body fat than calories from carbohydrates. Also, the overall calorie density of animal products leads people to eat a lot of them, while we can fill our plates with potatoes and vegetables and stay lean. There are also growth-stimulating hormones found naturally in animal products that don't help at all. So if you don't want to be hungry and want to count calories, go green!

5. It's the best way to help animals
Did you know that every vegan saves more than 100 animals a year? There is simply no easier way to help animals and prevent suffering than by choosing vegan food over meat, eggs and dairy products.

6. It's empowerment
If you make the switch to a plant-based diet, you will be immensely proud of yourself. You will also have to learn to cook. Say goodbye to the days when you quickly grab something on the way home from work. You will no longer be dependent on prepared food. Learning to take care of yourself and your body is stimulating. Your confidence will soar (along with your energy levels) and you'll want to keep learning how to cook. What's better than healthier living?

7. It's inspiring
When you go vegan, you are doing something great for yourself and for the environment. By giving up meat, you're not polluting the world or your body — you're also reducing your risk of cardiovascular disease. Sometimes it's really nice to feel part of a larger community that believes in something, and you definitely will when you go vegan. Going vegan is definitely a big step, but it could just be a lifestyle change that will change your life for the better.

8. It can make you live longer While veganism is not necessarily a one-way ticket to eternal youth, numerous scientific studies have been conducted to measure the impact of a plant-based diet on reducing the risk of serious diseases, including diabetes and heart disease. with positive results. A vegan diet also relieves the symptoms of arthritis patients and can help prevent obesity. Another 2016 study states that the mass adoption of a vegan diet could reduce 8.1 million deaths per year. Going vegan for a month won't have the same effect, but it's worth keeping in mind.

9. You look sexy and you are sexy Vegans tend to be thinner than meat eaters and have more energy, which is perfect for late-night escapades with the special someone in your life. The cholesterol and saturated animal fat in meats, eggs and dairy products not only clog the arteries to your heart, but over time, they also hinder blood flow to other vital organs. Plus, what's sexier than someone who not only looks good, but has compassion too?

10. Animal products are dirty Whenever you eat a meal containing meat, eggs or dairy products, you are also eating known bacteria, antibiotics, hormones, dioxins and a host of other toxins that can cause serious health problems in humans. An extremely high percentage of all meat that is slaughtered is contaminated with E. coli, listeria or other dangerous bacteria that live in the intestinal tracts, meat and feces of animals. They can cause food poisoning – which can sometimes be fatal. The hormones naturally found in animal products can cause cancer development, gynecomastia (enlarged male breasts), and obesity. Even the label “organic” doesn't do much here.

11. It's trendy
Okay, so you don't always want to do something just because it's popular. However, going vegan is now more topical than ever and that's exactly why it might be the right choice for you. Vegan cookbooks and bloggers are very popular. When something gets trendy, it's a lot of fun and veganism is no different. These famous vegans will make you want to be a part of the whole community. Suddenly eating oatmeal with banana, nut butter and chia seeds or a big green smoothie for breakfast seems so much more fun than your typical cheese sandwich.