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Frozen desserts:why you should prefer sorbets

After months of sports and intensive efforts to sport a goddess body on the beach, it would be a shame to ruin everything by stuffing yourself with junk. Having fun on vacation, we say yes, but staying reasonable is still better, isn't it? So, if on the promenade by the sea or simply after a swim you have a crazy craving for ice cream, what will you opt for, a good Italian ice cream or a fruit sorbet?


1 Italian ice cream:262 calories VS 1 fruit sorbet =66 calories

We remind the less trendy food that the difference between the 2 lies in the preparation. When an ice cream necessarily consists of milk, sugar and fresh cream, this is not the case with sorbet. This dessert is prepared from a fruit purée or a juice to which we just add sugar syrup and water. This is why a sorbet is about 4 times less caloric than an ice cream, which in addition is often accompanied by a wafer cone (+40 calories)

Result:if you are on a (strict) diet or want to keep your figure, it is better to opt for a good raspberry sorbet. But if one day, you decide to crack for an ice cream, we reassure you that it will not blow up the scale!