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Christmas meal:5 tips for opening oysters easily without hurting yourself!

During the holidays, the conviviality and sharing are wagers and this also happens at the table. As we know, some local products have the gift of bringing the whole family together, such as oysters . Having become a delicacy on New Year's Eve, these seafood delight us with their unique iodized taste and their flesh. In addition to offering an explosion of flavors in the mouth, these marine molluscs are low in calories and rich in trace elements and vitamins, good for the body and health. But before you can move on to tasting it is important to know how to open oysters without hurting yourself .

Tips and techniques to open oysters easily without injury

We have all tried to open oysters with a knife and that ended in a bitter failure, often accompanied by a short visit to the emergency room. This year, in order not to repeat the experience, we use techniques more easy and above all without risks .

One of the first alternatives is opening oysters in the oven . For the shells to open on their own and quickly, you can preheat your oven to 180°C, place them in a dish and leave them for ten minutes, no longer at the risk of cooking them. Still in this idea, you can open oysters by steam , without altering their flavors. For this, in a large saucepan we put a little water and place them flat in a basket above, a bit like a bain-marie. Do not leave the oysters for more than 5 minutes, thanks to the steam they will open after a few moments.

Other effective ways to open oysters at Christmas:the microwave . Place them in a container filled with water and put them in the microwave for a few seconds. As soon as the water heats up, the oyster will open naturally! Finally, use vinegar would be another trick to force the oysters to open on their own. Simply immerse them for a few minutes in a large bowl of water and vinegar.

Tips:to keep oysters fresh, open them half an hour before serving.

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