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7 tips to move more towards a plant-based diet

Many people choose to eat more plant-based foods. Whether you want to follow a strict vegan or vegetarian diet, or just make your existing diet more plant-based, here are some tips for eating more vegetables, fruits, legumes, grains, and other plant-based treats.

1. Start slow

It is better to make small changes than to hunt for all kinds of snacks at night. Remember that changing your diet is not the same as a quick cleanse or a weeklong detox; rather it is starting a new lifestyle. Trying to make too many changes too soon can lead to failure and frustration later.

2. Don't forget the carbohydrates, fats and proteins

Most people make the mistake of eating enough vegetables, but not enough of the complex carbohydrates, proteins and fats. You have to make sure to get enough protein, carbohydrates and fats for nutrients and to help you satisfy your appetite.

3. Have fun shopping

The bulk of your grocery budget should go to the essentials, including fruits, vegetables, whole grains and legumes. However, experiment and have fun trying new foods that don't fit into every standard category.

4. Use leftovers for lunch

For lunch, "leftovers" are really easy. Ideally, you can prepare enough food in the evening for dinner and use the leftovers for lunch the next day. You can also freeze things to save time next time.

5. Make sure to cook stock

Pick a day of the week to spend some time in the kitchen preparing some meals for the week. This could include boiling one or two jars of grains, marinating tempeh cubes and baking them in the oven, or preparing a few dressings or a tub of hummus. You can then quickly and easily combine these during the week with different combinations of these ingredients. Plus, with this strategy, you won't find yourself in a fridge full of unprepared vegetables if your creativity and energy levels may not be high.

6. Use dressings for variety

Sometimes it can be easy to get into a cooking rut, especially if you're starting a new diet and aren't comfortable with a wide variety of dishes yet. One solution is to try out new dressings. Dressings are kind of a secret weapon to avoid eating boredom. You can put them on anything and every dish will taste very different.

7. Take it easy with food you already know and love

Perhaps transitioning to a more plant-based diet feels like going to an exotic, unfamiliar land. However, it's important to remember that you probably already eat a lot of vegan or vegetarian things, such as spaghetti with tomato sauce, hummus wraps or oatmeal. Start with these foods as your diet background, and start discovering new foods to add to your diet. This way you can easily get used to your new diet.