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5 tips to eat more kale when you don't feel like salad

5 tips to eat more kale when you don t feel like salad

Kale is a real superfood. And with good reason:this green vegetable is packed with vitamins K, A and C. It also contains a lot of calcium and iron, which, in combination with the many vitamins, provides many health benefits. But how do you eat more kale if you don't feel like salad or stew? We have 5 great, practical tips for that!

1. Make hummus with it

Have you never made hummus yourself? You do not know what you are missing! Not only is it super easy to make, you can use all your favorite ingredients in it. Yes, including kale! All you have to do is put a handful of chopped kale in the food processor with your homemade hummus. You probably won't even taste it, but you will definitely reap the benefits!

Read also :'What you can do with kale'

2. Put it through your soup

No matter what soup you make, kale will shrink if you add it to the stock. This allows you to reap all the benefits without tasting the kale. You can do it through soups before you let the blender go, but you can of course also do it through your vegetable soup or tomato soup when you heat it up.

3. Try a kale pesto

Pesto is already packed with healthy, green vegetables such as basil and garlic. But have you ever thought about adding kale to your pesto? You can do it with your traditional pesto with basil and pine nuts, but you can also make a variant with just kale and walnuts for a twist. Delicious over pasta and healthy!

4. Make a kale smoothie

There are many green fruits and vegetables that you can add to your smoothie – cucumber, spinach, avocado, apple, you name it. But kale is also a tasty and healthy addition to your smoothies. Make it nice and fresh by combining it with apple or go for a beachy smoothie with banana and pineapple.

5. Make chips out of it

An old friend:kale chips! You can roast kale in the oven to make crispy chips. You can do this with salt, but these chips are also very tasty with soy sauce or tamari as a dressing. And of course much healthier than 'normal' chips!