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Four tips to eat meat consciously

Meat is a good seasoning in any dish, but meat is not necessary every day. Would you like to start eating less meat? In this article we share a number of tips to enjoy consciously.

Create weekly menu
Start making a weekly menu. Then you know exactly what you are going to eat which day. Precisely by thinking in advance about the dishes you want to eat, you can make conscious choices. After all, if you go shopping quickly after work, there is a good chance that you will make something you already know or make an unhealthy choice. Make a weekly menu every Sunday – or any other day – alternating different dishes, such as meat, fish and vegetarian. Or introduce a meatless Monday where you put a vegetable dish on the table.

Buy sustainable meat
If you eat meat, do it as sustainably as possible. Kilo-killers are often far from sustainable. That is why it is better to order meat online from a reliable butcher. Take a good look at their policy on animal welfare, then you know for sure that everything is in order. This is not only good for the animal, but also for the environment and yourself. Some meats have to meet strict requirements. Black Angus meat, for example, contains no hormones, preventive antibiotics or animal raw materials. In fact, the cattle graze on extensive pastures and are fed only vegetable food.

No meat substitutes
Meat substitutes are now a lot tastier than a few years ago, but they still don't taste like meat. Real chicken tastes different from vegetarian chicken pieces. In addition, there is not a substitute for everything, so you cannot buy vegetarian ribeye. The unique taste, structure and characteristics of meat are simply impossible to imitate. So try to do something different in the kitchen. Tasty alternatives to meat are, for example, beans, legumes, cheese, eggs or nuts.

Make it fun
The most important thing about eating meat consciously is that it remains fun. This can be done in various ways. Dine out at a restaurant that serves sustainable meat and sample some dishes you've never had before. Or organize a dinner where everyone brings a homemade dish, both vegetarian and with meat. You can probably exchange recipes afterwards. You can also make everyday cooking fun. Borrow a cookbook from the library or cook along with a YouTube video. Making it fun and light-hearted also makes it easier to stick to.