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10 Ways to Make Vegetarian Meals More Tasteful

Being vegetarian doesn't mean you have to sacrifice taste. Everyone has his or her own reason for choosing a vegetarian diet, and health is a common one. When devising a meal, you must of course ensure that it is full of nutrients, good proteins and fats. But it also has to be tasty. Here are our 10 tricks to make vegetarian meals more interesting.

Add spices Adding herbs gives character to any meal where vegetables are central. Choose herbs that you may not know, and your meal will immediately taste different.

Start verse
Buy seasonal fruits and vegetables to enjoy the best quality of the products. Look for fresh herbs when they are available and use them liberally.

Build a strong foundation Aromas such as garlic, onions, leeks and ginger make a good base for soups, sautéed vegetables and stews. Make vegetable broth from leftovers, and/or freeze some. Have a well-stocked pantry.

Add salt
Food gets more flavor when you add the spice during the cooking process, unlike anything in the beginning. Hold your hand about four inches above what you're feeding your seasoning so that the salt grains are evenly distributed over the food surface.

Discover the world of sauces Use fresh herbs to make sauces like salsa verde and chimichurri for just about any meal. Stir a little olive oil and vinegar or lemon juice into your favorite sauce to make a salad dressing.

Grill through
Don't be afraid of high heat when roasting or grilling vegetables, you will get a great caramelization, which has a lot of flavor.

Add umami
Along with sweet, salty, bitter and sour, umami is one of the essential flavors that form the basis of taste. It is sometimes described as "meaty" and is found in foods such as miso and mushrooms. Adding an umami-rich ingredient to a dish can improve the taste.

Go for the crunch
Roasted nuts and puffed grains add texture and protein to vegetarian dishes. Think peanuts, cashews, quinoa, sesame seeds and hazelnuts. Use it to make a crust for fried tofu, or sprinkle it on pasta and salads as extra seasoning.

Make bold your friend Well-filled fats such as olive, avocado and coconut oil make a delicious garnish for soups and sautéed vegetables. Sprinkle a little on top just before eating for extra flavor.

Don't forget proteins
It is important that your plant-based diet contains enough protein. Legumes such as lentils and chickpeas are excellent sources of protein. Vegetables such as spinach, broccoli and grains, such as quinoa and buckwheat, add flavor, texture and essential nutrients.