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Eating Habits You Need To Let Go Immediately

Old habits are hard to unlearn. Especially with food, breaking free of a habit can be a challenge. But do you know which eating habits are bad? We've listed some common eating habits here that you should let go of immediately.

Replacing meals with snacks
There's nothing wrong with snacking every now and then. But rather opt for a healthy snack, and not as a replacement for a meal. Make sure you're getting the nutrients you need by eating three full meals a day.

Not drinking enough water
It's too easy to forget to stay hydrated, especially on busy days. But drinking water is one of the most important things you can do for your health!

Suppress cravings
You should not ignore cravings, because it will only get worse. Sometimes it tries to tell you something. Think:Why do I want to eat this? What do I need?

Leave food too long
Leaving your food out for too long will eventually expose it to food bacteria. Put leftovers in the fridge in good time.

Eat on the go
We've all done it. You run out the door with a sandwich or an apple in your hand. But it's worth it to sit down and really enjoy your food.

Choose low-fat or sugar-free alternatives
The low-fat or sugar-free versions of your favorite foods probably seem like the healthier choice. But in many cases, especially for dairy products like yogurt or cheese, low fat often translates to low nutrient content. Fat-free versions of foods often make up for the lack of fats by adding extra processing and simple sugars. Sugar-free foods will replace sugar with artificial sweeteners such as sucralose and aspartame.

Not eating regularly
The average person eats every three to four hours. If you keep going for longer, your energy will start to go down, you will get hungry and your metabolism may be affected.

Skip breakfast Breakfast is called “the most important meal of the day” for a reason, so don't skip it. You need it to get through the day well.

Drink a lot of soda
There is nothing nutritious about soda. It is mainly made from sugar, chemicals and other non-nutritive ingredients. So don't drink it.

Eat only processed foods
A snack or prepackaged meal every now and then is okay. However, getting a majority of your fuel from these foods is not a good idea.

Do not wash hands before eating
The best thing you can do to prevent food poisoning? Wash your hands! You should always wash your hands before eating or preparing food.

No new foods to try
Everyone has a few favorite dishes. But try something different every now and then. The more variety, the better – you get a wider variety of nutrients that way.

Buy only prepared food
Frozen meals, delis and takeaways can be a life saver when you're too busy to cook. But don't make a habit of it. They are not always healthy.

Relying on vitamins and supplements
Do you think any vitamins are powerful enough to replace your vegetables? Think again. Supplements alone are not enough. Nutrients are most powerful when they come from food.