Family Best Time >> Food

Two original appetizers

Belon cupped oyster, Granny Smith apple and iodized juice :

Ingredients for 10 people:10 oysters (belon n°3), 150g of centrifuged granny smith apple juice, 1 sprig of chopped hyssop, 1 granny smith apple, fried basil, watermelon balls and sweet potato chips.

Open the oysters, collect their juice, filter and mix with the apple juice, mix, add the chopped hyssop, wash, cut the granny smith apple into thin sticks

In a dish, place an oyster shell, garnish with an oyster and apple sticks, coat with the iodized juice, decorate with fried basil, watermelon balls and sweet potato chips.

Marbled with sweet potato, reblochon, Serrano and borage oil

Ingredients for 10 people:500g of sweet potatoes, clarified butter, wafer apple, borage flowers, basil, 6 slices of Serrano ham, 420g of Reblochon cheese, for the vinaigrette 50g of white vinegar, 70g of red port and 100g of olive oil. borage.

Wash the sweet potatoes, slice them 5 mm thick, dip them in the clarified butter. Line a terrine with parchment paper then mount in layers:sweet potatoes, basil, Serrano ham and thin slices of maple syrup. Repeat the operation 3 times, close the parchment paper, put the lid on the terrine, wrap in cling film, steam at 85°C for about 35 minutes. Press, keep cold

In a dish, place a slice of marble, pour the vinaigrette, garnish with wafer apple and borage flower.