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What To Do With Apple Peels? Delicious SWEET CHIPS Easy to Make.

What To Do With Apple Peels? Delicious SWEET CHIPS Easy to Make.

Not sure what to do with your apple peels?

This often happens after making an apple cake...

Don't throw them away!

These peels can be used to make a delicious dessert that the whole family will love!

Here is the delicious and simple recipe for sweet crisps with apple peel .

Don't worry, it's quick and easy to do. Watch:

What To Do With Apple Peels? Delicious SWEET CHIPS Easy to Make.

  • Ingredients for 2 people
  • How to
  • Result
  • Additional tips

Ingredients for 2 people

- 2 large organic apples

- pinch of cinnamon

- cooking plate

- baking paper

- powdered sugar

How to

1. Peel the apples.

2. Place the baking paper on the baking sheet.

3. Put the apple peelings on it.

4. Sprinkle with powdered sugar.

What To Do With Apple Peels? Delicious SWEET CHIPS Easy to Make.

5. Add a little cinnamon.

What To Do With Apple Peels? Delicious SWEET CHIPS Easy to Make.

6. Put in the oven at 165°C.

What To Do With Apple Peels? Delicious SWEET CHIPS Easy to Make.

7. Let your peelings cook for about 20 min.


What To Do With Apple Peels? Delicious SWEET CHIPS Easy to Make.

And There you go ! Your sweet apple chips are already ready :-)

Easy, quick and delicious, right?

No more throwing your apple peelings in the trash!

Try it and let me know! It's succulent and 100% natural.

To save energy, bake your crisps at the same time as your cake or pie.

Additional advice

You can serve your sweet apple chips as an aperitif, to decorate a cake or for the children's snack. They love it!

You can also serve them with a scoop of vanilla ice cream or green apple sorbet, with a small slice of homemade apple cake for a 100% natural dessert.

The best is with a scoop of cointreau tutti-frutti ice cream.