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Chocolate/strawberry macaroons with pistachio cream

Chocolate/strawberry macaroons with pistachio cream

For 6 people:

Preparation:30 minutes

Cook:10 minutes

Refrigeration:3 to 4 hours.

24 small chocolate macaroons, 25 cl strawberry ice cream, 25 cl whole milk, 4 egg yolks, 1 vanilla pod, 50 g caster sugar, 10 g icing sugar, 60 g shelled pistachios, 1 drop of pistachio essence, 1 or 2 drops of green food coloring, 1 tablespoon of kirch.

  • Pour 30 g of pistachios into the bowl of the food processor. Add the icing sugar, coloring, essence and two tablespoons of warm water. Swirl until you have a thick, smooth batter, then set aside.
  • Prepare the pistachio custard. Boil the milk with the split vanilla pod. In a bowl, whisk the egg yolks and whitening sugar. Remove the pod from the boiling milk and, stirring constantly, pour the milk little by little over the beaten egg yolks. Then transfer the cream to a thick-bottomed saucepan and, over low heat, thicken it, stirring constantly. As soon as it coats the spatula, pass it through a sieve and incorporate the pistachio paste, stirring to dissolve it completely.
  • Let the cream cool, beating it often, then add the kirsch. Place it in the fridge, wrapped in cling film, along with six dessert plates.
  • Dry color the remaining pistachios, let them cool and chop them.
  • 15 minutes before serving, bring the ice cream to room temperature. As soon as it is malleable, drop a spoonful on a macaron. Attach a second macaroon, then smooth all around with a knife. Make twelve welded macaroons in this way.
  • Pass the pistachio cream through a sieve again and pour it over the cold dessert plates. Place the filled macaroons in pairs in the center. Scatter the crushed pistachios all around, then serve immediately.