Proportions for 6 people:
30 small puffs, 3/4 liter vanilla ice cream, 3/4 liter hot chocolate sauce*.
- Remove the ice cream from the refrigerator in time to make it firm.
- Make the chocolate sauce, keep it warm.
- Slit the limes on the side, fill them with vanilla ice cream, leave them a little ajar. Arrange 5 on each plate. Drop a few drippings of hot chocolate sauce on each and finish generously filling the bottom of each plate with this sauce.
- Serve.
*Hot Chocolate Sauce
Proportions for a sauce boat:175 g of very bitter chocolate. 1/4 l lukewarm water, 50 g softened butter.
- Break the chocolate into pieces in a small saucepan. Add 2 tablespoons of water. Melt over very low heat. When it begins to soften, swirl with the wooden spoon to obtain a smooth paste.
- Gradually add the butter, working well. Dilute by gently pouring the remaining water. Bring to a boil while stirring. Remove from fire. Pour into a sauce boat and serve as an accompaniment to the chosen cake or entremets.
Source:Chocolate (Martine Jolly)