Family Best Time >> Food

Eggs Toupinel

Ingredients:4 people
  • eggs (55/60)
  • large potatoes ( Bintje )
  • Paris ham
    150 g
  • butter
  • cream
    2 tablespoons
  • coarse salt
    500 g
  • salt and pepper mill
  • Mornay sauce

  • Preparation time:20 minutes
  • Cooking time:35 minutes

Difficulty:[usr 1]

Preheat the oven to th. 7 ( 210°C ).

Wash and dry the potatoes. Put the coarse salt in a baking dish, put the potatoes on it and cook them for thirty minutes in the oven.

Prepare the Mornay sauce

Poach the eggs.

Finely chop the ham

When the potatoes are cooked, cut them lengthwise to a third of their height, hollow out the pulp, without piercing the skin. Also scoop out the pulp from caps.

Work the pulp with a fork with the butter and cream. Add the ham and a tablespoon of sauce. Season with salt and pepper.

Fill the potato shells with this preparation. Place them in an oven dish, place a poached egg on each of them, coat with sauce and slide into the oven to brown. Allow about 4 minutes.

Serve right out of the oven.

Recipe born in 1898 at the restaurant "Maire" in Paris, it was named after the play "Fire Toupinel" by Alexandre Bisson.