Family Best Time >> Food

Duck parmentier with salted butter caramel

Ingredients:2 people
  • South-West duck breast
  • medium sized potatoes
  • Normandy fresh cream
    1 pot
  • apples
  • powdered sugar
    80 g
  • half-salted butter from Brittany
    40 g
  • water
    10 cl
  • salad leaves
    a few

  • Preparation time:45 minutes
  • Cooking time:25 minutes

This recipe always dazzles guests, even though it is not very complicated to make.

The only element to take into account is the quality and origin of the products.

Cook the duck breast over low heat. It should be pink.
In a saucepan, cook the potatoes as well.

When the potatoes are ready, peel them.
In a large bowl, mash the potatoes and add the crème fraîche from Normandy. Take care to keep 10 cl of it for the caramel.

Salt and pepper the mashed potatoes.

Peel the apples and cut them into thin slices.

Once the duck breast is cooked rosy, cut it into thin strips and arrange them in a ramekin or an individual casserole dish.

Place the mashed potatoes on top of the duck, then cover with apple slices.

Put everything to cook for 25 min at 180°C (th.6).

A few minutes before the end of cooking, prepare the salted butter caramel:

Put the sugar and water over low heat in a saucepan.

After about 2 min, a dark blonde layer will form. Then remove the pan from the heat.

Add the salted butter and mix gently.

Add the 10 cl of crème fraiche normande that you had kept and continue to mix.

When the mixture turns light blond and looks smooth and thick, pour it over your ramekins. The salted butter caramel must cover the duck Parmentier apples.

Serve with a few lettuce leaves.

For this recipe inspired by several regions of France, you can easily get the ingredients on the internet. there are many online delis like this one. The trick is knowing how long you can keep the selected products cool.