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Potato gratin

Fernand Point's grandmother ran the buffet at Louhans station, in Bresse, during the 1914 war. Her grandson seasoned his first saucepans there. Later, he founded the famous Pyramid restaurant in Vienna. It therefore belongs totally to the Provençal branch. His gratin recipe shows that he uses garlic without overdoing it:


Take potatoes, peel them and only wipe them. Season with salt and pepper, after having finely minced them.

Take a gratin dish, rub it very lightly with garlic, butter it and spread the potatoes in very thin layers. Prepare separately, depending on the quantity, two beaten whole eggs, non-skimmed milk, and if possible a spoonful of double cream.

Coat the potatoes with this preparation, sprinkle with knobs of butter and cook over very low heat.

Send the dish very boiling with a few knobs of butter on it.

Contrary to popular belief, the gratin dauphinois does not contain cheese, the one that does, on the other hand, is the Forézien gratin.

This very classic dish is often interpreted in various ways, but well executed:what a treat!