Peel the lettuce, wash the leaves carefully and dry them in a tea towel.
Using a paring knife, peel the first orange and cut the zest into fine julienne strips. Put in a small saucepan with a glass of water, cook for 10 minutes. Drain.
After peeling the second orange, lift the quarters of the 2 oranges with a paring knife. Book.
Arrange the salad in a salad bowl. Sprinkle the julienne over it and decorate with the orange wedges.
Make the vinaigrette by putting mustard, salt, pepper, lemon juice in a bowl and then incorporate the olive oil, emulsifying with a small whisk. Sprinkle the salad with this seasoning. Serve the rest in a sauceboat.
My advice:you can replace the orange with pink grapefruit, but then you will have to remove the lemon juice from the sauce.
Joëlle's point of view:the most beautiful effect, this simple salad is also very fine to taste.