Family Best Time >> Food

Muscovite with kirchée pears

Ingredients:6 people
  • milk
    1/4 liter
  • vanilla
    1/2 clove
  • egg yolks
  • powdered sugar
  • gelatin
    2 sheets
  • Very ripe pears
    500 g
  • kirsch
    1 shot glass
  • cream
    250 g
  • sugar
    100g + 100g
  • sugar pieces (caramel)

  • Preparation time:45 minutes

This dessert has been on the Bistro menu for a long time:

Difficulty:[usr 2]

Prepare a thick vanilla custard. Heat the milk with the half vanilla pod. Work the egg yolks and the sugar, thin out little by little with the hot milk. Thicken the cream over low heat, stirring constantly. Remove from the heat just before the first broth, when the cream coats the spoon.

Add the gelatin sheets to the hot cream after soaking in a bowl of cold water for 10 minutes. Stir well to dissolve, then strain the cream through a fine sieve. Leave to cool completely.

Meanwhile, caramelize a rib or charlotte mold and whip the fresh cream. Keep cool.

When the cream is cold, peel the pears, remove cores and seeds. mash the pears in a blender, very quickly because they darken quickly.

Immediately incorporate this raw pear purée into the English cream. Add the sugar, the kirsch and finally the whipped cream to the mixture.

Pour into the caramelized mould. Put in the fridge. Unmold before serving.

Muscovite with kirchée pears

You can use individual moulds, which will allow you to decorate each Muscovite with fruit, for example, and a red fruit coulis.