Family Best Time >> Food

Charlotte with passionflower cream

Ingredients:4 people
  • spoon biscuits
  • egg yolks
  • sugar
    250 g
  • passion fruit juice (passiflora)
    1/4 liter
  • gelatin
    2 sheets
  • whipping cream
    250 g
  • kiwi
  • syrup:water
    1 glass
  • sugar
    1 cup

  • 4 to 6 taken cold
  • Preparation time:20 minutes
  • Cooking time:15 minutes

Make a syrup, that is to say, cook the water and the sugar together and let cool. Then soak your ladyfingers well in it (very important). Line a charlotte mould.

In a saucepan, put the egg yolks, then the 250 g of sugar. Whisk while heating gently. Then add the passion fruit juice and continue whisking (do not boil). When the cream is ready, it should coat the wooden spatula.

Put the gelatine leaves in a small container with a little water, mix and add to the cream off the heat.

In a large bowl, add ice cubes. In another smaller bowl that you will place in the larger one on the ice cubes, pour the cream, stirring constantly. When the cream has cooled, add the whipping cream* that you have whipped beforehand.

Then fill the charlotte mold with this preparation. Put in the refrigerator, until the device is completely set.

To serve, unmold and garnish with kiwi slices (optional).

*liquid cream

My advice:You can accompany it with a passion fruit coulis.

Joëlle's point of view:The tangy taste of passion fruit is particularly pleasant. If you don't have whipping cream, cut your double cream by a quarter of its water volume.

Charlotte with passionflower cream